How To Learn To Control Your Emotions |Top Psychological Tips

How To Learn To Control Your Emotions |Top Psychological Tips

In today’s topic, we are going to talk about ” How to learn to control your emotions” based on some psychological tips.

It’s not always possible to cope with your feelings adequately. And each person has different strength and frequency of manifestations. Why and how to develop self-control, what emotions are, and how to learn to control them, will be discussed further.

What are emotions?

Wikipedia defines this concept as follows:

Emotion is a mental process that reflects a person’s attitude to the current or projected situation

They can be conditionally divided into:

  • Positive ones are joyful;
  • Negative ones are sad;
  • Neutral – without bright emotional coloring.

It cannot be said which feelings are more difficult to control.

But the fact that negative experiences have a more destructive effect on a person and his life is a well-known fact.

As can be seen from the definition, emotion is not always objective, but often arises from assumptions or expectations of something, and is not supported by events that have already happened.

Why is it necessary, and why is it so important to control them? This will be discussed further.

How negative emotions harm.

If a person cannot control them, or does it ineptly, then:

  • constantly under the influence of stress;
  • aggravates the current situation with bursts of uncontrolled reactions;
  • less often achieves the set goal;
  • more difficult to negotiate with the people around;
  • often loses control over himself and his behavior;
  • it is easy for other people to provoke or confuse him.

To avoid these manifestations, learn to control emotions and prevent them from becoming a master in your life.

Benefits of Well-Developed Self-Control.

If you learn to manage your emotions and understand how they can be controlled, then:

  • find inner balance;
  • you’ll be able to build harmonious relationships;
  • you will achieve your goals faster;
  • you will be able to better find a common language with the people around you.

Played out, uncontrollable feelings paralyze the will, take possession of thoughts, and direct a person’s actions. This leads to serious and irreversible consequences. That is why you cannot let the situation go by itself, but you need to learn to control yourself.

A book: Anxiety Disorders In Women – The Ultimate Resource Guide

How to learn to control your emotions?

This is not always as easy as it seems from the outside. But having mastered the proposed technique, you will understand the basic principles of self-control, and you can develop them.

The whole process is conventionally divided into 3 stages.

  • Awareness. It is tender to realize that you are overwhelmed by feelings and you lose control over your actions. Look at the situation from the outside and evaluate it.
  • Analysis. At this stage, it is useful to reflect on the current situation and understand whether objective conclusions have really been drawn.
  • Reaction. After passing the previous stages, it will already be not so stormy. Try to mentally ridicule and devalue the current situation, and you will feel how the degree of your feelings subsides.

If you realize that feelings have taken possession of you, then you will also correct the strength of their manifestation. By practicing these skills regularly, you will learn how to deal with the situation.

By an effort of will, it is possible to restrain the manifestation of surging feelings or force yourself to experience those that you deem necessary in this situation. That is, to artificially introduce yourself into a certain emotional state. This is done using facial feedback.

The principle of facial expression feedback is that not only emotions cause facial expressions on a person’s face, but also vice versa. With an artificial demonstration of emotion, a person begins to experience and experience it to a certain extent.

Use this principle to your advantage.

Where to throw out the accumulated negative

Do not forget that accumulated feelings tend to burst out at the most inopportune moment. They can be compared to a stretched spring, which sooner or later will fire and carry everything in its path.

To prevent this from happening, give your emotions a way out. This is done as follows:

  • A fictitious situation is mentally lived and all feelings are splashed out.
  • If discontent, resentment, aggression have accumulated, playing sports or other physical activity will help.
  • Sometimes it helps to cry alone. It perfectly relieves stress and gives an outlet for accumulated feelings.
  • Do what you love and transform negativity into positive energy.

The methods of dumping accumulated feelings are individual for each person. If you find that activity helps you to distract and relax, use it to get rid of negative thoughts and in the future to better control your emotions.

Emotional surge prevention

You are less in control of yourself if there is no clear plan in life, and chaos and disorder reign.

Vivid emotions, regardless of their color, lead to stress with prolonged exposure. They cause various physiological problems and diseases in humans.

To better control your emotions, psychologists recommend:

  • Put things in order. To organize and classify everything as much as possible.
  • Build short and long-term plans and stick to them.
  • Mark clear boundaries of your space.
  • Analyze the events that are taking place more often and think about your reaction to them.
  • Learn to prioritize and not focus on insignificant things.
  • Develop a model of positive thinking and try to stick to it.

If you are struggling to cope with your emotions on your own, and they have a devastating effect on your life, do not hesitate to ask a psychologist for help.

Those were some tips from a psychologist on how to learn to control your emotions. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family.

Read more: 13 Emotions You Can Feel, But Can’t Explain

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