American Stupidity |Truth Or Myth? Personal Observations

American Stupidity |Truth Or Myth? Personal Observations

In this article, we going to talk about ” American Stupidity” and explain what are the factors related to establishing this stereotype. While many people will answer with a firm yes or no, things cannot be overgeneralized and set a truth.

In Russia, for example, only the most private person has not heard the phrase “Americans are stupid.” Is it really?

And at the end of this article, I will give you some opinions from American people when they asked them about American stupidity.

“Yes, in America, everyone is stupid, 100%!”

It’s just tough! I was always amazed when someone declares this phrase and chuckles sarcastically, trying to prove to himself that this is indeed the case and great minds live anywhere, but not in the USA. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the person did not travel further than Mother Russia and throws such stereotypes and cliches after watching the cult performances of Mikhail Zadornov.

By the way about Zadornov. He was certainly a great comedian who worked well for his audience – people from the former Soviet Union and aged 40+. His manner of representing Americans in the light of dull-witted people who now and then find themselves in stupid situations – perfectly “went” to the public, which since the days of the USSR slightly dislikes Americans or sees them as the cause of some of our country’s troubles. But you need to understand that it was humor and nothing more. And the situations that the humorist described could be partly true, but significantly embellished for an effective presentation.

Why is America not a country with stupid people?

Well, firstly, the fact that the United States is a leading world power should already put an end to this issue. But I will write down some observations:

  • All advanced technologies and a new level of service quality, which all countries are then equal to, come from the United States. Yes, it can be argued that many inventions were invented by immigrants from other countries, but this is the point – America has all the infrastructure to attract such people. People such as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Henry Ford, and thousands of others gave the world something that no civilized person can do without today.
  • Their ignorance of global geography compensates for knowledge in other industries. It is really difficult for them to distinguish the countries of Eastern Europe so distant from them. But let’s be honest and admit that not every Russian can distinguish between conditional Zambia and Zimbabwe. Simply because we do not delve into this, just as they do not delve into Europe.
  • Americans are not stupid, but rather kindly naive. What a Russian person often hesitates to ask – an American will ask, although it will look stupid, not for long. I have already written that they are by nature curious and will not leave a single foreigner without a question about his homeland.
  • The US school system works a little differently. This topic deserves a separate article, but in short – an American is trying to become a pro in some narrow specialty, and therefore knowledge of geography, philosophy, or unnecessary subjects maybe a little “limp”.

Some opinions from Americans about American Stupidity:

Americans are not stupid, we just do stupid things.

Americans are talented, resourceful, and have access to the education they want. We are not stupid people, but we know we are doing stupid things. As in any other cultural system, we have people who want to make fools of themselves. To say that all Americans are stupid because of the actions of the few who simply seek to be the center of attention is to rob us of our talents, our gifts, and our determination to improve ourselves and our country.

Many are fools.

I travel around America and see houses, roads, electrical wires, sewers, and I think Americans are smart. Then I talk to some of the Americans, Africans, Indians, Chinese, and what they say makes me think that most of humanity is stupid, and only a few of them are smart.

Americans are obviously ignorant, gullible, and easy to manipulate.

Their general ignorance in world affairs, as well as in science, history, economics, etc., makes them easy prey for manipulation. And their sense of superiority and global importance makes them easy prey. Their tribal political divisions, their incessant nostalgia, their cultural narcissism, their simplistic religiosity all make them prone to manipulation. And, my God, do the opportunists rise up and take advantage of this?

Nice people when you travel around the country. Individually open hearts. Collectively fools.

Read more: Why Are Americans So Stupid? And So Proud Of It

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